Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The light of the Republic shines upon Krish

From the memoirs of Lord Maximo Drusella:

It was then, as I was surveying our majestic House Expeditionary Fleet from the observation dome, that my dear granddaughter Lyndisty came running in, calling out "Gee-pa, gee-pa!" I picked her up in my arms and showed her the great fleet, pointing out all the ships. "Some day soon your Gee-pa will retire, my dear" I said to her, "and your father will take over running our house. But first, the Emperor has granted me a great favor." Of course she did not understand what I meant. "I have been given the honor of leading this great fleet on a campaign to claim a new star system for our Empire."

She always did possess a quick wit. "If you are taking warships, Gee-pa, that means you are going to fight." "Yes, Lyndisty, I will have to supress some barbarians, and I will have to defend our claim from the lesser races, who will be jealous and try to take away what is rightfully ours." She wanted to know why the barbarians would even try to oppose us. "Well, that's what makes them barbarians!" I shouted, and we both laughed. What a sweet girl she is, a true joy. Of all my grandchildren, she has always been a favorite.

The expeditionary fleet we assembled was truly grand, just as it was in the old days of the Republic. With all the fighting going on in those days, I sought to assemble a balanced fleet that, one that could handle anything.

Our initial force was composed of the following ships:

One Octurion-Class Battleship, the Warmonger.
One Primus-Class Battlecruiser, the Emperor Morell.
One experimental Secundus-Class Assault Battlecruiser, the Empress Avena.
Five Sulust-Class Escort Destroyers, Valiant, Valorous, Fearless, Courageous, Stalwart.
Four Maximus-Class Frigates, Scutario, Retiario, Murmillo, Samno.
Six Vorchan-Class Warships, Ravager, Reaver, Reaper, Scavenger, Slayer, Slicer.
Four Kutai-Class Gunships, Riposte, Parry, Thrust, Slash.
Four wings of four Sentri medium fighter flights, for sixteen total flights.

Truly, a majestic fleet and the scourge of all barbarians.


  1. Those Sulusts really have me worried. I think they will be the stars of your show.

    Simulations have shown that the Sulust is actually harder to kill with non-beam weaponry than the Maximus.
