Sunday, September 13, 2009

None Returned....

The sound of the call button at the door of the reading room startled Maximo from his reading. "Yes?" he called. A smartly-dressed officer entered the study, his countenance grim. "M'lord, I have news about the Demeter blockade."
"Yes, yes, let's have it."
"M'lord, the planet has fallen."
Lord Drusella stood bolt upright from his chair. "Fallen!? So quickly? How?"
"Our forces were unable to break the blockade and shore up planetary defenses."
Maximo was caught between anger and panic. "And how do you say that they have assaulted the planet so quickly?"
The adjutant swallowed audibly, and appeared shaken. "They did not assault the planet, m'lord."
At this, Maximo stormed from the study and stalked down the sumptuously-appointed halls of Star Fortress Victory to the War Room. Officers and staff came to attention as he entered.
"Will someone who doesn't have the brain of a Narn tell me what is going on!?"

The issue had indeed gone poorly. The blockade runners, two Sulust-class Escort Destroyers and two Maximus-class Escorts had been vaporized trying to run the Dilgar blockade, along with numerous fighters. The Dilgar then sliced through the planetary defenses and, instead of assaulting the native population and the Centauri base... virus bombed the entire planet.

"All dead, then?"
"Yes, m'lord."
"And what of our crews, what of the governor, what of his wife and daughter, what of our other personnel? How many escaped?"
"None returned, m'lord."
"None? None returned...."

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